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Firecrackers are the most popular fireworks available on the market. Their history dates back to the 6th century, when they were used in China to ward off evil spirits. Today, they are commonly associated with celebrating New Year's Eve, the arrival of the New Year, and they also have practical applications such as scaring away wild animals or signaling. Unlike traditional rockets or mortars, firecrackers do not soar into the air; instead, upon ignition, they simulate an explosion similar to a grenade — with a brief flash and a loud bang. They are mostly ignited traditionally using a fuse or by friction against a striker. Our firecracker shop also offers percussion grenades, which are firecrackers ignited by a pull string. Check out our range, where you'll find the most powerful percussion firecrackers and flash firecrackers, among other items.

Firecrackers and Fireworks Store

Our firecrackers store is the place where you will find a wide range of firecrackers - from small and quiet firecrackers in the style of corsairs to the most powerful firecrackers in Poland. We offer the following firecrackers for sale:

  • Piccolo firecrackers
  • "Diabełki" firecrackers
  • String firecrackers
  • Firecracker pistols
  • The most powerful sound emitters
  • Percussion grenades
  • For percussion pistols
  • Sound and flash firecrackers

We sell products individually, in sets, and in bulk cardboard boxes.

Firecrackers - when can they be used, safety rules

During the ignition of firecrackers, there is indeed a small explosion - the firecracker casing is torn apart. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to health and safety regulations and not ignite firecrackers in hands or throw them away from oneself as far as possible immediately after ignition. They should also not be used near other people and animals.

All fireworks, including firecrackers, can be used throughout the year on private property. This is fully compliant with applicable law. The only exception is areas near airports. Firecrackers can also be used in public areas on December 31st and January 1st - without restrictions on the hours of use.

If the voivode of your city or another municipal self-government body has issued a resolution temporarily banning the use of fireworks and firecrackers - they have done so illegally and thus violated the law. If this situation occurs in your town or municipality - please report it to us immediately, and we will pass it on to the lawyers of the Foundation for the Development and Education of Pyrotechnics and the Positive Emotions Foundation, which deal with such matters.

We also remind you that according to the ruling of the District Court in Kalisz (case no. II W 252/19), using fireworks to celebrate and add attractiveness to your own event on private property until 10 p.m., the police cannot issue us a fine under Article 51 of the Code of Petty Offenses regarding disturbing the peace, public order, and nighttime rest.

Percussion Fireworks - Disposal

If you are wondering where to dispose of old firecrackers, remember that these are products that have an expiration date of about 10 years, so in most cases, you can keep them and use them on another occasion. When storing them, make sure they do not become damp and are kept out of reach of children. However, if for some reason you want to dispose of old firecrackers from your home, you cannot simply throw them away in the trash. This can pose a danger to others. All firecrackers should be properly disposed of. If you don't know where in your area you can dispose of old fireworks, it's best to ask a pyrotechnics wholesaler if they will accept them from you.

There is also a possibility that a firecracker may fail to explode. You should handle such duds very carefully. First of all, do not approach the firecracker too quickly. Wait at least 15 minutes. After this time, immerse the firecracker in water and leave it for a few days so that after removal, the mixture is completely unusable.

Firecrackers - Price

Firecrackers are among the cheapest pyrotechnic materials, which is why they are so popular and commonly used. The price for firecrackers starts from just a few złoty per pack. Of course, as with all types of fireworks, there is a range of prices within firecrackers. Expect that strong percussion firecrackers will not be as cheap as piccolo firecrackers. Our wholesale and at the same time firecracker store is a place where you can buy firecrackers at a competitive price compared to other offers on the market. The affordable purchase cost is available for both individual and wholesale customers. For regular and large orders, we offer additional discounts.

Where to Buy Firecrackers? The Fajerwerki Lider online store invites you!

Firecrackers for purchase throughout the year are offered exclusively by specialized stores and pyrotechnic wholesalers. Thanks to the expansion of activities on the Internet by many of them, firecrackers can also be bought there. Good percussion firecrackers are easiest to find in professional and strictly specialized pyrotechnic wholesalers. This ensures that the products are tested, certified, and therefore safe to use. All products available through our online store are equipped with instructions in Polish, making them easy to operate and reducing the risk of use to a minimum.

We also invite you to shop at our brick-and-mortar store in Białystok at ul. Żwirki i Wigury 26 (near the ZOO). On-site, we provide professional assistance in choosing the right percussion firecrackers and a wide range of products. Explore our offer and choose from firecrackers from renowned manufacturers.

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Jakość produktów wysoka, dostawa na czas, zaparkowane solidnie. Jedynie co to zapewne przez pomyłkę wystąpił błąd w zamówieniu, domyślam się że był sezon i pewnie firma była przesilona co było powodem błędu natomiast mój kontakt w tej sprawie został zignorowany co jest przykre ale nie na tyle znaczące żebym się usilnie upominał
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